Sina Health Centre

Now more than ever, British Columbians are taking control of their health by talking to their community pharmacist. Our pharmacists at Sina can help you better understand your medications. Accessible and convenient, our pharmacists are available to help you with a variety of clinical pharmacy services, such as Medication Review Services and more.

1. Medication review – coverage

If you are taking medications you can benefit from a medication review. In terms of eligibility for payment, some insurance companies cover medication reviews under their health and wellness category. You can check with your extended insurance company to see if they offer any coverage.

BC Coverage:  If you have been prescribed at least five medications in the last six months and you are a BC resident with a valid BC Services Card, you may benefit from Medication Review Services. The aim of the service is to help British Columbians better understand their medications. When you understand your medications – from why you are taking them, when to take them, and how to best take them – you make informed decisions and have greater ownership of your overall health.






How to book your appointment: 1. select “Medication Review” from the Service tab below, 2. choose the appointment date and time, 3. provide your personal info, and 4. submit the data.

March 2025

Personal information

Fields with * are required

Booking overview

Please make sure to bring the list  of your medications along with your MSP card.


Eligible patients that can benefit from our program

  • Those who cannot manage their own medication(s) or have difficulty taking their medication(s) due to physical barriers
  • Those who requires assistance in understanding their drug therapy because of having multiple chronic conditions or complex medication regimens
  • Those who require assistance in communicating with other health care professionals involved in their care
  • Those who have a history of adherence issues
  • Those who require additional teaching or consultation for using a particular medication or product (e.g. glucose monitors, insulin injection, inhalers, blood pressure machines, etc.)

My senior parent takes a lot of medications and I think he/she would benefit from the service. What do I do?

If your senior parent(s) has been prescribed at least five medications in the last six months, and is interested in better understanding his/her medications, he or she may be eligible. Talk to your parent and obtain his or her full consent before arranging an appointment with our pharmacist. Medication Review Services cannot be given without prior consent from the patient.


What can I expect from my medication review?

The service allows you to have one-on-one consultation with our pharmacist in a semi-private area of the pharmacy to discuss your prescription medications, as well as any over-the-counter medications, supplements, and natural/herbal health products you may also be taking (these are not included in the five medications required for eligibility). Our pharmacist will also provide you with a Best Possible Medication History, a form that lists all of your medications. You can use this form as a reminder to take your medications or share it with your family doctor or other health care professional in the future.

Our pharmacist will discuss the following with you:

  • What medications you are taking
  • Why you are taking them
  • How to best take them
  • What are the most common side effects of your medication and how to manage them
  • Check for any interactions between your prescription medications, supplement, and natural/herbal health products.

Our pharmacist will also:

  • Tell you about any vitamins/minerals that are depleted from your body due to taking a particular product
  • Make suggestions or recommendations to you about your medications or diet, if necessary
  • Discuss any alternative/natural/herbal remedies that may be beneficial for you to use as an adjunct to your current regimen
  • Answer any of your drug related questions or concerns